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Gluten intolerance 

Gluten intolerance is more common than one might think. Often it cannot be found through research, because it is mainly searched for in the blood and there it can only be seen at an advanced stage. When we first started the practice we did a lot of stool tests, through the stool you can see a problem with gluten much earlier. But this was not always the case either.

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So how does it work then?

Now I know that it is different. I no longer believe in intolerances or allergies, this also applies to other foods, at least it depends on how you look at it. Yet many people have problems with gluten. Sometimes it takes a few days before you feel anything and sometimes people eat a plate of pasta and the plate is not even empty before you get a huge stomach ache and or your stomach swells up immediately and you lie on the couch with enormous stomach cramps. Often until the middle of the night or even the next day. So what is that and what does one react so strongly to? This has to do with pathogens, such as viruses and bacteria. These feed on gluten, among other things. They also find a sandwich very tasty, just like we do. They do well on it, they become stronger from it and can multiply better. When a virus or bacteria becomes active, for example due to a flu or too long or too often stress, the virus can feed on gluten, as a result of which they secrete waste products that cause the real problems. You do not react directly to the gluten itself, but to what pathogens emit after they have fed on gluten. This is the reason why one person can eat a whole loaf of bread and not have any problems, while another reacts to one bite! The person who does not react does not carry a pathogen or is at least not active. If you continue to eat gluten, you will never solve the complaints, not even with a product or program to counteract the bloated stomach and or an antacid product. This does not tackle the pathogen. You need a plan and the first step is to leave out gluten. And really completely!! Not a sandwich for breakfast on the weekend, no because then you will continue to have problems. The moment you eat gluten, a pathogen can survive on it for three months.


Gluten substitutes down to the last detail!

Leaving out gluten is not always easy, that is why we have created this page. I created it together with a client of mine Fleur Pluijmen. She has been coming to me since February 2022. She had a lot of complaints and really didn't feel well. Once she had made the switch to eat gluten-free, her energy returned, her skin improved, she lost weight, no more stomach pain and the PCOS is as good as resolved. And of course, more was needed for her than just eliminating gluten, but this has made the biggest difference. She has now become a great expert in gluten-free products and that is why I asked her to list the products she uses and we have put them on this page to help people who also experience problems after eating gluten. She has tried almost all gluten-free products and she has listed here what she likes best and of course does not react to.


Overview of gluten-free products and substitutes ->> Click here


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