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Citrus Fruits

Gluten intolerance 

Gluten intolerance is more common than one might think. Often it cannot be found through research, because it is mainly searched for in the blood and there it can only be seen at an advanced stage. When we first started the practice we did a lot of stool tests, through the stool you can see a problem with gluten much earlier. But this was not always the case either.

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So how does it work then?

Now I know that it is different. I no longer believe in intolerances or allergies, this also applies to other foods, at least it depends on how you look at it. Yet many people have problems with gluten. Sometimes it takes a few days before you feel anything and sometimes people eat a plate of pasta and the plate is not even empty before you get a huge stomach ache and or your stomach swells up immediately and you lie on the couch with enormous stomach cramps. Often until the middle of the night or even the next day. So what is that and what does one react so strongly to? Read more



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