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Food intolerance

The regular therapy for food intolerance is often to omit the foods that cause complaints and treat the symptoms such as abdominal pain, skin complaints, headaches with medication. This limits the 'normal' life and it is really just hoping that you 'recover' someday. With an intolerance, you have to think carefully about what is happening in the body and if you make a good diet plan, you can often eat more food quite quickly and the intolerance slowly disappears. The complaints associated with this, such as skin complaints, abdominal pain and headaches, also disappear.

The video is in dutch!

Kirsten tells her own story. The first time we got in touch, she told me she couldn't take fruit and vegetables. Always stomach ache and tired tired tired!

Hi, my name is Kirsten, I am 32 years old and have allergies to trees and grasses and I can't eat fresh fruit and vegetables… at least I told everyone until 1 month ago. Until I came in contact with Aschwin and he said: believe me but soon you can eat everything…. I was very skeptical, but after years of abdominal pain for almost 24 hours a day, I was forced to look for a solution out of the box.

Some history about me:

When I was 16 I cycled to school and along the way I got a lot of watery eyes, itching in my mouth and ears… hay fever was the diagnosis. I was given some medicines and that was it… the following years the complaints got worse. Around the age of 20 I started to experience more and more itching and irritations with eating fresh products. My doctor at the time said very simply: “What you suffer from, you eat but no more ”, but I wanted to know more about the allergies and was referred to an immunologist. There I was eligible


to take immunotherapy. Simply put, every week they inject good with allergic stuff into your body and they build that up. After a year and a half of weekly spraying and building up, it turned out to have hardly any results…. So I quit. After a final interview with the immunologist in which I asked… may I try to eat things again… or what happens if I walk in the woods with everything blooming on a hot day? The answer came to both: do not do this at all, because then you will end up here on the first aid with all its consequences. And that phrase has stayed with me for years… although I had occasionally tasted something like fruit. I may have had a lot of itching, but nothing serious happened. However, as the years passed, my bowels started to hurt more and more. I often had a bloated belly like I was pregnant. Meanwhile, several dieticians and sports experts have been consulted, but have not got very far with all the advice. So I started googling and that is where I ended up on the Innerfresh site. I became curious, perhaps this could help me. But what I mainly saw was a lot of fresh food, but how should I do that?

Aschwin told me that because I just left out all the fresh food, it was precisely because of this that I had such a sore intestines and that sounded logical in my ears, but I had never been told that I should never eat this again. After a long initial conversation with Aschwin, I was on my bike home and thought, wow do I really dare? Stopped en route at the AH and immediately bought fresh bananas, cucumbers and a mountain of frozen fruit. How bizarre, I used to avoid the supermarket with all the stuff that was forbidden and now I had to and especially I was allowed to buy fresh products. The next day was the exciting moment. Starting the day with warm water with lemon juice and honey… the reaction was severe itching in my mouth, nose and ears… but nothing else happened to me! On to cucumber juice and another intense itch, but nothing special happened ... when lunch a smoothie with: fresh banana, wild blueberries and coconut water. The first sip was really heavenly, heart rate at 200 for my feeling and very nervous while drinking it. I was home alone at the time and had my phone firmly in case I had an extreme allergic reaction but just kept breathing normally, nothing special happened on the itch. Wow, could I really eat all this again after all these years. The answer was YES. We experimented with food for 2 weeks. Another world opened up to me. During those 2 weeks already started with supplements. After two weeks, I started the detox program, which was occasionally intense, but very much needed. I noticed that my daily abdominal pain gradually diminished, but the itching with eating things also subsided.

I am now a month later and I start the day with warm water with lemon juice and honey with hardly any itching, followed by cucumber juice with a little itching. Then a tasty fresh smoothie, in between a fresh banana. And then in the afternoon a delicious fresh salad with lots of leaf spinach, lettuce, vegetables and fruit… almost without itching. In between I eat bone broth and some fruit again. And dinner with potatoes and lots of vegetables with an occasional piece of fish or meat. I feel 100% better compared to 1 month ago. I'm not there yet, but it will come naturally. I think my stomach ache complaints have decreased by 60%. Previously I had a real sweet chew, candy and cakes delicious! French fries went in more often. Eating meat every day and the most thing that amazes me now is that I no longer have a tendency at all in this type of food, how is that possible? Because now I know how bad that food is for my body. And that makes it much easier to make a healthy choice. I am not saying that I will never eat something like that again, certainly, because I still love it… but at least with the rest of the day nicely balanced.

I am honest to follow the detox program and to maintain a healthy lifestyle, discipline and planning is required. Especially in combination with work it is important to plan things well. But the result I achieved through this is 100% worth it! The cooperation with Aschwin is very nice. I can put everything with him and he really takes into account your personal goals and problems and finds a perfect solution.

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